Jacdac: Service-Based Prototyping of Embedded Systems (2024)


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Jacdac: Service-Based Prototyping of Embedded Systems (1)Jacdac: Service-Based Prototyping of Embedded Systems (2)

Authors: Thomas Ball, Peli de Halleux, James Devine, Steve Hodges, and Michał Moskal

Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, Volume 8, Issue PLDI

Article No.: 175, Pages 692 - 715

Published: 20 June 2024 Publication History

Related Artifact: Jacdac: Service-based Prototyping of Embedded Systems (PLDI 2024 Artifact Evaluation) June 2024datahttps://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10892762

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    The traditional approach to programming embedded systems is monolithic: firmware on a microcontroller contains both application code and the drivers needed to communicate with sensors and actuators, using low-level protocols such as I2C, SPI, and RS232. In comparison, software development for the cloud has moved to a service-based development and operation paradigm: a service provides a discrete unit of functionality that can be accessed remotely by an application, or other service, but is independently managed and updated. We propose, design, implement, and evaluate a service-based approach to prototyping embedded systems called Jacdac. Jacdac defines a service specification language, designed especially for embedded systems, along with a host of specifications for a variety of sensors and actuators. With Jacdac, each sensor/actuator in a system is paired with a low-cost microcontroller that advertises the services that represent the functionality of the underlying hardware over an efficient and low-cost single-wire bus protocol. A separate microcontroller executes the user's application program, which is a client of the Jacdac services on the bus. Our evaluation shows that Jacdac supports a service-based abstraction for sensors/actuators at low cost and reasonable performance, with many benefits for prototyping: ease of use via the automated discovery of devices and their capabilities, substitution of same-service devices for each other, as well as high-level programming, monitoring, and debugging. We also report on the experience of bringing Jacdac to commercial availability via third-party manufacturers.



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    Index Terms

    1. Jacdac: Service-Based Prototyping of Embedded Systems

      1. Computer systems organization

        1. Embedded and cyber-physical systems

          1. Embedded systems

            1. Embedded software

              1. Firmware

          2. Software and its engineering

            1. Software organization and properties

              1. Software system structures

                1. Abstraction, modeling and modularity

                  1. Embedded software


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            Information & Contributors


            Published In

            Jacdac: Service-Based Prototyping of Embedded Systems (3)

            Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages Volume 8, Issue PLDI

            June 2024

            2198 pages



            • Editor:
            • Michael Hicks

              Amazon, USA

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            Copyright © 2024 Owner/Author.

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            Association for Computing Machinery

            New York, NY, United States

            Publication History

            Published: 20 June 2024

            Published inPACMPLVolume 8, Issue PLDI


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            1. embedded systems
            2. microcontrollers
            3. plug-and-play
            4. services


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            Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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