How Much is 490 US Dollar (USD) in Philippine Peso (PHP) (2024)


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Philippine Peso (PHP)

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490 US Dollar = 27,117.08 +0.23177 (+0.00085%) Philippine Peso

US Dollar to Philippine Peso conversion - Last updated 21st July 2024 12:14 UTC

490 PHP to USD


  • 490 US Dollar to Philippine Peso Performance
  • Compare USD PHP Market Rates
  • Last 14 Day stats
  • Last 12 Month Stats
  • Historical Data by Year
  • USD to PHP Conversion Table
  • Convert 490 USD to other currencies
  • Different USD amounts to PHP
  • 490 USD to PHP exchange rate FAQs
  • Comments

490 USD equals 27,117.08 PHP


  • 1 USD equals 55.340973 PHP
  • 490 USD = 490 x 55.340973 = 27,117.08 PHP

490 US Dollar to Philippine Peso Performance

Rates 1 Month 3 Months 6 Months
Max 27,591.73 27,591.73 28,890.65
Min 26,644.98 26,295.85 26,295.85
Average 27,122.54 26,941.91 27,157.76
Volatility 1.7718% 2.0308% -6.1389%

Compare USD PHP Market Rates

Rates US Dollar Transaction Fee Philippine Peso
0%(Bank) 490 USD N/A 27,117.08 PHP
1% 490 USD 4.9 USD 26,845.91 PHP
2%(ATM withdrawal) 490 USD 9.8 USD 26,574.74 PHP
3%(Credit Card) 490 USD 14.7 USD 26,303.56 PHP
4% 490 USD 19.6 USD 26,032.39 PHP
5%(Kiosk) 490 USD 24.5 USD 25,761.22 PHP

USD to PHP Exchange Rate History

Last 14 Day stats

Date US Dollar Philippine Peso Change % Change
May, 04/05/2023 490 USD = 27,117.08 0.23177 0.00085%
May, 03/05/2023 490 USD = 27,116.85 -46.278 -0.17037%
May, 02/05/2023 490 USD = 27,163.12 -52.933 -0.19449%
May, 01/05/2023 490 USD = 27,216.06 30.89 0.11363%
April, 30/04/2023 490 USD = 27,185.17 -0.21805 -0.0008%
April, 29/04/2023 490 USD = 27,185.38 45.245 0.16671%
April, 28/04/2023 490 USD = 27,140.14 -123.425 -0.45271%
April, 27/04/2023 490 USD = 27,263.56 34.167 0.12548%
April, 26/04/2023 490 USD = 27,229.4 7.4524 0.02738%
April, 25/04/2023 490 USD = 27,221.94 -44.119 -0.16181%
April, 24/04/2023 490 USD = 27,266.06 -110.482 -0.40356%
April, 23/04/2023 490 USD = 27,376.55 -0.00147 -0.0000053696%
April, 22/04/2023 490 USD = 27,376.55 N/A N/A
April, 21/04/2023 490 USD = 27,376.55 -56.347 -0.2054%
April, 20/04/2023 490 USD = 27,432.89 -158.836 -0.57567%

Last 12 Month Stats

490 USD to PHP, December 2021

December 2021 Exchange Rate
01 December rate 24,990.17 PHP
31 December rate 24,742.79 PHP
Highest rate 25,016.13 PHP on December 29
Lowest rate 24,411.38 PHP on December 20
Performance Rising
Change 0.0%

490 USD to PHP, November 2021

November 2021 Exchange Rate
01 November rate 24,704.95 PHP
30 November rate 24,735.01 PHP
Highest rate 24,887.17 PHP on November 22
Lowest rate 24,416.88 PHP on November 12
Performance Rising
Change 0.0%

490 USD to PHP, October 2021

October 2021 Exchange Rate
01 October rate 24,764.26 PHP
31 October rate 24,862.98 PHP
Highest rate 24,980.45 PHP on October 21
Lowest rate 24,636.52 PHP on October 28
Performance Rising
Change 0.0%

490 USD to PHP, September 2021

September 2021 Exchange Rate
01 September rate 25,086.82 PHP
30 September rate 24,475.58 PHP
Highest rate 25,186.24 PHP on September 27
Lowest rate 24,366.92 PHP on September 15
Performance Rising
Change 0.0%

490 USD to PHP, August 2021

August 2021 Exchange Rate
01 August rate 24,360.86 PHP
31 August rate 24,498.35 PHP
Highest rate 24,851.77 PHP on August 16
Lowest rate 23,925.56 PHP on August 25
Performance Rising
Change 0.0%

490 USD to PHP, July 2021

July 2021 Exchange Rate
01 July rate 24,498.35 PHP
05 July rate 24,113.47 PHP
Highest rate 24,959.53 PHP on July 19
Lowest rate 24,063.89 PHP on July 03
Performance Rising
Change 2.087%

490 USD to PHP, June 2021

June 2021 Exchange Rate
01 June rate 23,924.51 PHP
07 June rate 23,380.86 PHP
Highest rate 23,924.51 PHP on June 30
Lowest rate 23,349.98 PHP on June 06
Performance Declining
Change -0.696%

490 USD to PHP, May 2021

May 2021 Exchange Rate
01 May rate 23,342.64 PHP
31 May rate 23,637.5 PHP
Highest rate 23,647.24 PHP on May 26
Lowest rate 23,342.64 PHP on May 31
Performance Rising
Change 0.339%

490 USD to PHP, April 2021

April 2021 Exchange Rate
01 April rate 23,637.5 PHP
30 April rate 23,894.83 PHP
Highest rate 23,951.17 PHP on April 07
Lowest rate 23,637.5 PHP on April 30
Performance Declining
Change -0.234%

490 USD to PHP, March 2021

March 2021 Exchange Rate
01 March rate 23,777.86 PHP
31 March rate 23,787.29 PHP
Highest rate 23,934.03 PHP on March 17
Lowest rate 23,718.46 PHP on March 11
Performance Rising
Change 1.436%

490 USD to PHP, February 2021

February 2021 Exchange Rate
01 February rate 23,890.14 PHP
28 February rate 23,566.55 PHP
Highest rate 24,047.48 PHP on February 25
Lowest rate 23,476.99 PHP on February 02
Performance Declining
Change -0.384%

490 USD to PHP, January 2021

January 2021 Exchange Rate
01 January rate 23,547.42 PHP
31 January rate 23,566.57 PHP
Highest rate 23,632.76 PHP on January 07
Lowest rate 23,524.99 PHP on January 04
Performance Declining
Change -3.984%

USD to PHP Conversion Table

US Dollar (USD) Philippine Peso (PHP)
490.1 USD = 27,122.61
490.2 USD = 27,128.14
490.3 USD = 27,133.68
490.4 USD = 27,139.21
490.5 USD = 27,144.75
490.6 USD = 27,150.28
490.7 USD = 27,155.82
490.8 USD = 27,161.35
490.9 USD = 27,166.88

Convert 490 USD to other currencies

Currency Exchange Rate
Australian dollar 733.654 AUD
Swiss Franc 433.581 CHF
Chilean Peso 393,729.82 CLP
Colombian Peso 2,269,934.8 COP
Czech Koruna 10,377.32 CZK
Danish Krone 3,296.07 DKK

Different USD amounts to PHP

  • 491 US Dollar to Philippine Peso
  • 492 US Dollar to Philippine Peso
  • 493 US Dollar to Philippine Peso
  • 494 US Dollar to Philippine Peso
  • 495 US Dollar to Philippine Peso
  • 496 US Dollar to Philippine Peso
  • 497 US Dollar to Philippine Peso
  • 498 US Dollar to Philippine Peso
  • 499 US Dollar to Philippine Peso

490 USD to PHP exchange rate FAQs

How much is 490 US Dollar worth in Philippine Peso today?

USD$490 is worth PHP₱27,117.08 today, a decrease of 5.4663 (-0.02015%) over the last 30 days.

When was the rate updated?

The rate of USD$490 in PHP was last updated on 21 July 2024 12:14 UTC.

How much was 490 US Dollar worth in Philippine Peso at the same time last year?

$490 US Dollar on July 22, 2023 equaled ₱27,117.08 Philippine Peso.

How Much is 490 US Dollar (USD) in Philippine Peso (PHP) (2024)


How much is $500 US dollars worth in the Philippines? ›

Convert US Dollar to Philippine Peso
100 USD5,822.20 PHP
500 USD29,111 PHP
1,000 USD58,222 PHP
10,000 USD582,220 PHP
5 more rows

How much is $1 US in Philippine pesos today? ›

58.16 PHP

How much can 1 USD buy in the Philippines? ›

1 USD = 58.340507 PHP Jul 20, 2024 17:33 UTC.

What is the best exchange rate for USD to PHP? ›

1 USD = 56.72 PHP - Today's Best US Dollar to Philippine Peso Exchange Rates.

Is $500 a lot in the Philippines? ›

Today, the average salary in the Philippine outsourcing industry is $500 a month, which is about $200 more than the minimum wage. It might not sound a lot, but for Filipinos who dream of a better life, it is enough to have a decent lifestyle.

What is the best time to exchange dollars to Philippine pesos? ›

More specifically, the best time to trade USD/PHP is between 12:00 and 15:00 GMT when the market is most liquid. Weekends tend to see higher USD value because foreign currency cash flows slow down. So, it may be a good idea to convert US dollars to pesos on weekends or whenever the former is stronger.

How much is $100 US in Filipino? ›

US Dollars to Philippine Pesos conversion rates
100 USD5,816.21 PHP
500 USD29,081.08 PHP
1,000 USD58,162.17 PHP
5,000 USD290,810.86 PHP
7 more rows

How far does the dollar go in the Philippines? ›

Download Our Currency Converter App
Conversion rates US Dollar / Philippine Peso
1 USD58.32550 PHP
5 USD291.62750 PHP
10 USD583.25500 PHP
20 USD1,166.51000 PHP
8 more rows

Where is the best place to exchange dollars for Philippine pesos? ›

Your bank or credit union, not an airport kiosk, is likely the best place to exchange currency.

Can a US citizen buy a lot in the Philippines? ›

Foreigners are prohibited from owning land in the Philippines, but can legally own a residence. The Philippine Condominium Act allows foreigners to own condo units, as long as 60% of the building is owned by Filipinos. If you want to buy a house, consider a long-term lease agreement with a Filipino landowner.

What is the average salary in the Philippines? ›

Philippines Average Salary

The average monthly salary in the Philippines is around 44,800 PHP, corresponding to about USD 800.12 according to the survey conducted by Salary Explorer. The average yearly salary in the Philippines is around 537,000 PHP, which corresponds to about USD 9574.41.

How far does $20 go in the Philippines? ›

US Dollars to Philippine Pesos: exchange rates today
20 USD1,163.39 PHP
50 USD2,908.49 PHP
100 USD5,816.98 PHP
250 USD14,542.47 PHP
8 more rows

Is the US dollar strong in the Philippines? ›

The Philippines, in their thirst for US goods and services, import more than they export. This voracious appetite for imports necessitates the purchase of US dollars, bolstering the dollar's strength.

What is the best money transfer to the Philippines? ›

Use your Visa or Mastercard debit card to send to a bank account, debit card, mobile wallet, for cash pickup in the Philippines at thousands of places where you see the MoneyGram sign. With low fees and great exchange rates that are affordable, MoneyGram is fast, reliable, and convenient, so start sending today.

What is the highest USD to PHP in history? ›

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the rate

The highest US dollar to Philippine pesos rate was on June 27, 2024 when 1 US dollar was worth 58.9231 Philippine peso.

How much is $100 from America to the Philippines? ›

US Dollars to Philippine Pesos conversion rates
100 USD5,816.21 PHP
500 USD29,081.08 PHP
1,000 USD58,162.17 PHP
5,000 USD290,810.86 PHP
7 more rows

How much is $5000 US dollars in the Philippines? ›

US Dollars to Philippine Pesos conversion rates
500 USD29,114.11 PHP
1,000 USD58,228.22 PHP
5,000 USD291,141.10 PHP
10,000 USD582,282.21 PHP
7 more rows

How much is $2000 US in the Philippines? ›

Download Our Currency Converter App
Conversion rates US Dollar / Philippine Peso
1000 USD58,333.90000 PHP
2000 USD116,667.80000 PHP
5000 USD291,669.50000 PHP
10000 USD583,339.00000 PHP
8 more rows

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Name: Stevie Stamm

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Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.